《血濺鴛鴦樓》, 攝影裝置   
Blood Spatters the Duck and Drake Bower, Photo Installation, 320cm(H) x 343cm(W), 2009


Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 - 1610),
323cm(H) x 343cm(W), 1599 - 1600

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 - 1610),
The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew,
oil on canvas,
323cm(H) x 343cm(W), 1599 - 1600
The painting shows the martyrdom of Saint Matthew the Evangelist, author of the Gospel of Matthew. The saint was killed on the orders of the king of Ethiopia while celebrating Mass at the altar.


《水滸傳》 施耐庵 著 (1296 - 1372)

Water Margin, by SHI Nai-An (1296 - 1372)
Chapter 31
After killing the groom at the door, WU Song knew his way, and proceeded quickly to the Duck and Drake Bower. WU Song could hear the voices of General Zhang, Commandant Zhang and Jiang the Gate Guard Giant. They were celebrating the death of WU Song, as their guards were told to finish him at the Flying-Cloud Ponds. A raging flame in WU Song’s heart spurted up madly and he burst into the room.


作品裝置形式是依據羅馬.聖路易吉.迪.弗朗西斯教堂.肯塔瑞裡禮拜堂中的三幅油畫而建。該三幅油畫是意大利藝術家Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio的作品,三幅作品演繹了聖馬太一生的故事。
The installation is to re-create the 3 paintings located in the Contarelli Chapel of the church San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome, by Italian master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The three paintings by Caravaggio were to illustrate the whole life of Saint Matthew.


裝置面貌,一組三件的照片演繹了施耐庵(1296 - 1372)名著《水滸傳》中武松的故事。
Installation view. The set of three photo installation are to illustrate the life of WU Song(武松), a character from a Chinese novel Water Margin(水滸傳)by SHI Nai-An(施耐庵1296 - 1372)