《千里走單騎》, 攝影裝置   
Rides on a Solitary Journey
, Photo Installation, 240cm(H) x 203cm(W), 2008


裝置實景,作品以432張照片組成。作品旁邊放置了 Jacques Louis David 於1800年的作品Napoleon Crossing the Alps 打印本,及羅貫中的《三國演義》節錄。
Installation view. The work includes 432 pieces of photos. Aside the work there is a copy of Jacques Louis David's “Napoleon Crossing the Alps”, and a copy of LO Kuan Chung's “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”


Jacques Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps, oil on canvas, 270cm(H) x 230cm(W), c.1800


LO Kuan Chung's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"